Coconut Oil and Palm Oil, Popular Vegetable Oils

Palm oil and coconut oil are two of the most popular vegetable oils in the market. While coconut oil has been associated with greener lifestyle, palm oil has gotten a bad reputation because of its problematic production. Mass production of palm oil has led to deforestation and displacement of wildlife in palm producing countries.

Interestingly, palm oil, when produced sustainably and eco-friendly, can be an extremely versatile and efficient crop. It has may properties and functions that makes it so widely used. For example, it is commonly used in making spreads because it can be semi-solid in room temperature. It is also resistant to oxidation which gives it longer shelf life. It’s also stable at high temperature, which makes fried products crispier and crunchier. 

Coconut oil on the other hand is 70% medium-chain triglycerides (MCT)—fats that are converted into ketones essential for energy. Ketones have also been associated with reducing symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease by providing energy to damaged brain cells. 

Fifty percent of coconut oil is lauric acid which has anti-microbial and anti-viral properties and boosts the immune system. It also improves cognitive functions, metabolism, and hair and skin health. 

Studies have also shown that MCTs only travels to the liver instead of being stored as fat in the body. Because of this, it’s easily converted into energy and helps weight loss. 

Oleo-Fats is proud to produce world class and contaminant-free coconut oil, both available for the local and international market. For the best quality, you can always count on Oleo-Fats.